
    State Award For Old Persons

    The Government of Haryana has launched a scheme of “State Award for Older Persons” during 2008-09, on the pattern of Government of India, to keep senior citizens highly motivated and to give honour to them. 1st October would be of each year observed as International Day of the Elderly

    For year 2016-17 there is budget provision of Rs. 11.00 lakh.  Following 10 awards have been notified vide Govt. notification No.1394/SW(4), dated 25.11.2016:-

    1. Centenarian Award
    2. Best Mother Award
    3. Courage & Bravery Award
    4. Best Panchayat Award
    5. Life Time Achievement Award
    6. Best Voluntary Organization Award (Best NGO)
    7. (i) Senior Painter Award (ii) Senior Sculpture Award (iii) Senior Practicing Musician/Singer Award (iv) Senior Practicing Dance Award.
    8. Senior Practicing Sportsperson Award
    9. Best Old Age Home Award
    10. Best Day Care Centre Award

    On the Occasion of International Elderly Day a State Level Function was organized at  Yamunanagar, Kurukshetra and Panchkula on 26.02.2018, 03.12.2018 and 18.12.2019 respectively and following  amount  was incurred on these functions :-

    (Rs. in Lac)

    Year Budget Expenditure
    2019-20 22.00 10.22
    2020-21 20.00 9.65
    2021-22 20.00
    2022-23 20.00