
    Old Age Samman Allowance Scheme

    To provide Social Security to Old Persons who are unable to sustain themselves with their own resources and are in need of financial assistance, Old Age Pension Scheme was initially started w.e.f. 1-4-1964 during Joint Punjab? The rate of pension, which was Rs. 15/- per month at the beginning of the scheme was modified & increased from time to time. The Haryana Government implemented this scheme w.e.f. 01-11-1966 and 2382 beneficiaries were paid pension of benefits amounting to a total of Rs. 24,680. The old age pension scheme was liberalized in 1987 w.e.f. 17.6.87 @ Rs. 100 per month for those aged 65 years or more.

    The State Government further enhanced the scheme and introduced “Old Age Pension Scheme-1991”, now renamed as “Old Age Samman Allowance Scheme”. The scheme was implemented from 1st July, 1991. The age of eligibility was reduced from 65 to 60 year. The aim of the scheme is to ensure the benefits of old age allowance to the needy and in particular the poorer sections of the society such as Agricultural Labourers, Rural Artisans, SCs/BCs, Small/Marginal Farmers etc. From 1991 to October 1999 pension @ Rs. 100 per month was given which was increased to Rs.200/- w.e.f. November 1999 and further increased to Rs. 300/- per month w.e.f. November 2004, to Rs. 500-700 per month w.e.f. 1 March, 2009, to Rs. 1000/- P.M. W.e.f. 01-01-2014, to Rs. 1,200/- P.M w.e.f 1-1-2015. The rates of Old Age Samman Allowance have been increased to Rs. 1,400/- P.M w.e.f 01-01-2016, Rs. 1600/- w.e.f. 01-11-2016, Rs. 1800/- w.e.f. 01-11-2017, Rs. 2000/- w.e.f. 01-11-2018, Rs. 2250/- w.e.f. 01.01.2020, Rs. 2500/- w.e.f. 01.04.2021, Rs. 2750/- w.e.f. 01.04.2023 and Rs. 3000/- w.e.f. 01.01.2024.

      1. Eligibility Criteria:
        Initially the earlier eligibility condition were complicated and not easily understood by the common public. Therefore, in true spirit of the objectives of the Scheme, the Government has simplified the eligibility criteria. At present, any person is eligible for the grant of Old Age Samman Allowance if:-

        • The person is of age 60 years or more of age.
        • The person is domicile and resident of Haryana State; and his/her combined income from all sources along with that of his/her spouse does not exceed Rs. 3,00,000/- per annum.
      2. Excluded Category:
        Notwithstanding the above, any person receiving pension from any Government or Local/ Statutory Body or from any organization substantially financed by any Government or Local/ Statutory Body will not be eligible to receive allowance under the scheme. “Pension” wherever occurring in any Government notification concerning Social Security Benefits means and includes, income received or accrued from accumulated earnings, including the following schemes:
        *Provident Funds
        *Annuities from any source including Commercial Banks, Financial Institutions or Insurance.
      3. The pension is being disbursed through Public Financial Management System (PFMS) from August-2020 which amount are disbursed directly to the beneficiary’s account.
      4. Details of beneficiaries, budget and expenditure incurred under this scheme is as under :-

    (Rs. In Crores)

    Year Beneficiaries Budget Expenditure
    2019-20 17,01,761 Rs. 4070.00 Rs. 3616.14
    2020-21 17,12,934 Rs. 4619.55 Rs. 4633.34
    2021-22 17,59,674 Rs. 5576.85 Rs. 5159.46
    2022-23 17,85,137 Rs. 5400.00 Rs. 3951.53
    2023-24 17,85,137 Rs. 5538.00  
    Notification of Old Age Samman Allowance Scheme
    Title Date View / Download
    Regarding amend the notification Old Age Samman Allowance Scheme 08/07/2024
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    Waiving of Recoverable amount from ex-employees of HSMITC who have availed the benefit of Social Security Pension/allowance schemes 02/06/2023
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    Regarding income eligibility criteria of Old Age Samman Allowance 05/04/2023
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    Regarding change of procedure for sanctioning of new pension cases under Old age Samman Allowance Scheme 07/07/2022
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    Notification of Old Age Samman Allowance 08/05/2018
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